BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo (pancreatic elastase) - Buhlmann Diagnostics Corp

BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo (pancreatic elastase)

BÜHLMANN fPELA turbo calex cap
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BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo is FDA 510(k) Exempt. For in vitro Diagnostic Use. 
CPT Code: Pancreatic Elastase- 123234

fecal Pancreatic Elastase (fPELA)- A Gastrointestinal Test to Detect Endocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

The BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo is a test for the quantitative determination of pancreatic elastase in human fecal extracts and is intended to be run on clinical chemistry analyzers.

This test is a particle enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA) assay developed to be run directly with stool extracts derived from the CALEX® Cap extraction device. This device is pre-filled with unique extraction buffer designed for fecal extraction of pancreatic elastase and calprotectin, allowing for quantification of both analytes at the same time.

Fecal pancreatic elastase is a well-established biomarker to detect exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients suffering from conditions such as chronic pancreatitis. The concentration of pancreatic elastase levels in feces reflects the level of pancreatic output and correlates with the output of other pancreatic enzymes such as lipase, amylase, and trypsin.

Speed, Quality, Flexibility

This assay is a non-invasive, sensitive and specific assay that is unique in speed, quality, and flexibility.  This offers accurate results and reliable information to aid clinicians in selecting patients for further diagnostic procedures.

fast pancreatic test, time-to-first-result within 10 minutes

high correlation to the manual gold standard reference method, specific to human enzymatic isoforms, and uses highly precise and reproducible PETIA technology

can be applied on most open chemistry platforms (in the same fecal extract used for calprotectin testing) streamlining your workflow using random access automation

Success Story: “The analysis with the cobas® is more flexible, more cost efficient and faster than classical microplate based ELISA assays.” A report from Dr. Jörg Oliver Thumfart.

Product Information

Name BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo 
Method particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA)
Sample Type Fecal extracts
Kit Format 2 reagents (R1/ R2)
Calibrators and controls provided separately
Sample Preparation CALEX® Cap extracts ready to use without dilution
Measuring Range 10-5000 µg/g
Sensitivity (LoQ) 5.7 µg/g
Sample Volume ~10 ul centrifuged fecal Extract (1:500)
Time to Result ~10 min
CALEX® Extraction ~20 min
Applicable on most chemistry platforms  (contact us for information on application notes)
Instructions for Use & Other Downloads  see below

Learn about the benefits of the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo for your patients.


Learn about the performance of the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo

Learn More

The BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo specificity and correlation to the manual reference method

  • The BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo is based on polyclonal antibodies specific for the relevant human isoforms of the enzyme.
  • The assay is not affected by PERT (pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy).
  • Method comparison: A total of 130 stool samples from normal donors and PEI patients spanning the assay range were tested by the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo assay and a commercial Elastase-1 monoclonal assay. Results are summarized in the table below. Applying a cut-off at 200 μg/g, an overall agreement of 93.1% was found.

Workflow: Streamlined Workflow with Total Laboratory Automation (TLA)

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Please contact BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corp for a complete list of validated applications.

Precision and Reproducibility

Testing was performed on Roche c501, Beckman Coulter AU480, and Mindray BS380 instruments. Six (6) stool specimen extracts were assayed.

Table 1: Reproducibility Study Results- within-run, between-day and between-instrument variance

Table 2: Within-Laboratory Precision and Reproducibility Results


Linearity range: 3.4 to 5024.2 µg/g

The linear range of the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo was determined according to the CLSI guideline EP06-A. Samples with a concentration of over 500 μg/g were diluted automatically 1:10 by the analyzer. A maximum deviation from linearity of 10% or 10 µg/g, for samples below 100 µg/g, was allowed.

Method Comparison

Table 3: Method Comparison Study Results – BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo vs ScheBo® Pancreatic Elastase 1TM

The method comparison study was performed according to the CLSI guideline EP09-A3. One hundred and eight (108) samples were measured using three lots of BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo over four days. Mean reference values, with elastase concentrations falling within the measuring range of 15– 500 µg/g µg/g, were established with two lots of the ScheBo® Pancreatic Elastase 1TM test. Bias was determined using Passing-Bablok linear regression and Bland-Altman analysis.

Elastase 1 ELISA
> 200 μg/g 100-200 μg/g < 100 μg/g TOTAL
> 200 μg/g 37 9 2 48
100-200 μg/g 5 22 9 36
< 100 μg/g 1 8 37 46
Total 43 39 48 130

Download IFU and Catalog Numbers

View the appropriate tab below and click on the blue underlined catalog number to view the Instructions for Use.

Extraction Device:

CALEX® Cap Stool Preparation Device – B-CALEX-C50/ B-CALEX-C200/ B-CALEX-C500

BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo Components:
All components below are available for sale separately.
Reagent kit B‐KPELA‐RSET
Calibrator kit B‐KPELA‐CASET
Control kit B‐KPELA‐CONSET

Extraction Kit for BÜHLMANN fPELA® tests, if not using CALEX® Cap: B-CAL-EX3 / B-CAL-EX12 (3 x 125ml or 12 x 125ml)

US Application Notes: BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo currently has the following FDA guideline validated IVD application notes, for the following in the USA:

  • Roche cobas® c501/502, Roche cobas® Pro Module c503, Roche cobas® c701/702,
  • Beckman Coulter AU480, Beckman Coulter AU680, Beckman Coulter DxC700AU, Beckman Coulter AU5800,
  • Abbott Architect® c-series, Abbott Alinity,
  • Siemens Atellica,
  • Thermo Scientific Indiko,
  • Biosystmes BA200, 
  • Binding Site Optilite®,
  • Mindray BS-480,
  • Ortho® Vitros7600

Other major chemistry system validation packages already have CE marked validation packages in ROW, or are in process. Please contact BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corp for a complete list of validated applications.  Contact Sales for more information.

BÜHLMANN Products are distributed in Canada by Inter Medico.  For more information, email info@inter-medico.com or call 1.800.387.9643.

Extraction Device:

CALEX® Cap Stool Preparation Device – B-CALEX-C50/ B-CALEX-C200/ B-CALEX-C500

CALEX® Cap Stool Preparation Device – B-CALEX-C50/ B-CALEX-C200 / B-CALEX-C500*

This kit contains all the components: extraction kit, reagent kit, calibrator kit, and control kit.

All components below are available for sale separately.

Reagent kit: B-KPELA-RSET

Calibrator kit:  B-KPELA-CASET

Control kit: B-KPELA-CONSET

BÜHLMAN fPELA turbo® Clinical Flyer for US

BÜHLMANN fCAL turbo® Clinical Flyer for US

BÜHLMANN CALEX® Cap Medical Flyer for US 

BÜHLMANN CALEX® Cap (Fecal Extraction Device) Flyer for US 

BÜHLMANN turbo Customer Testimonials

BÜHLMANN fCAL® Calprotectin Key Literature List

BÜHLMANN collaborates with Beckman Coulter

BÜHLMANN collaborates with Beckman Coulter for worldwide distribution of BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo & fPELA® turbo assays on their clinical chemistry analyzers (AU480, AU680, AU5800, DxC 700 AU).

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