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Tag: automated calprotectin test

Bringing Calprotectin Testing In-house on the Abbott Architect C8000

Mary O'Connell nee Deasy, Mercy University Hospital BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo is for Research Use Only in the US. Not to be used in diagnostic procedures. Health Canada License: 96808 Mary O'Connell nee Deasy, Biochemistry Department, Mercy University Hospital Cork, Ireland introduces Faecal Calprotectin testing into their laboratory using the BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo assay. At the Biochemistry
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BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo Promotion

About Promotion BUHLMANN is pleased to offer a promotional discount for our BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo. Save 20% on our this assay by using the Promo Code: TURBO1231 when ordering by: phone: 844-300-9799 email:   About Assay Unique in: Speed: results in 10 minutes Quality: This assay is standardized against the well established BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA and the PETIA methodology enhances precision and reproducibility.
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Analytical and Diagnostic Performance of Two Automated Fecal Calprotectin Immunoassays for Detection of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo: De Sloovere, M. et al. Analytical and diagnostic performance of two automated fecal calprotectin immunoassays for detection of inflammatory bowel disease, Clin Chem Lab Med. 2017 Aug 28;55(9):1435-1446. PMID: 28076305  DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2016-0796. Highlights from this Publication ““Bühlmann assays were superior with 100 % sensitivity…”.” Read Citation BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo (K190784): FDA 510(k) cleared. For in vitro Diagnostic Use. Health
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Analytical Evaluation of a Fully Automated Immunoassay for Faecal Calprotectin in a Paediatric Setting

BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo: Noebauer, B., Ramic, L. et al. Analytical evaluation of a fully automated immunoassay for faecal calprotectin in a paediatric setting.  Biochemia Medica, 2017;27(3):030710. DOI: 10.11613/BM.2017.030710 Highlights from this Publication “ ...With its fine performance characteristics, its strong correlation with the reference method ELISA and its convenient handling, it is a new analytical option for the rapid
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Turbo Charged from the Start: Introducing in-house Calprotectin Testing Directly on the Roche cobas® c702

Rosie Forster, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, with the CALEX and Roche cobas c702 BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo is for Research Use Only in the US. Not to be used in diagnostic procedures. Health Canada License: 96808 Rosie Forster and Karen Smith, Clinical Biochemistry, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham introduce Faecal Calprotectin testing into their laboratory using the BÜHLMANN
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fCAL® turbo de BÜHLMANN Santé Canada Licence: 96808 English Version ENTRETIEN AVEC CARMELA GUGLIOTTA, Laborgemeinschaft 1, Zurich Vous avez dernièrement choisi d’utiliser le nouveau test fCAL® turbo de BÜHLMANN® turbo sur votre Cobas® c501 de Roche. Pourriez-vous nous indiquer les raisons de votre choix ? Nos clients nous ont demandé s’il était possible que notre laboratoire
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Turbidimetric Determination of Fecal Calprotectin Using Two Table Top Chemistry Analyzers: Mindray BS-200E and Cobas® c111

BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo: Mandic-Havelka, A. Nilsen, T. et. al. Turbidimetric Determination of Fecal Calprotectin Using Two Table Top Chemistry Analyzers: Mindray BS-200E and Cobas® c111.  Clin Lab.  2017 May 1;63(5):907-913. doi: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2016.161032.  PMID: 28627817 Highlights from this Publication “The assay was linear in the range between 20 and 1,900 µg/g with a limit of quantification around 20
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Safe Use of Stool Extracts on Clinical Chemistry Analyzers

BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo is for Research Use Only. Not to be used in diagnostic procedures. Health Canada License: 96808 BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo Stool extracts used in the BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo on clinical chemistry analyzers can be applied without any concern of system contamination. BÜHLMANN investigated this new sample matrix with the goal to exclude potential risks.
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Evaluation of the BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo Test at Bioanalytica Lucerne

BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo is for Research Use Only in the US. Not to be used in diagnostic procedures. Health Canada License: 96808 French Version Interview with Yvonne Schallberger, Bioanalytica Lucerne Mrs. Schallberger, you recently decided to introduce the new calprotectin assay, BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo, which offers a calprotectin result in random access mode on all USUAL
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