Collin Shaw, Author at Buhlmann Diagnostics Corp - Page 5 of 19

Author: Collin Shaw

Accuracy of Consecutive Fecal Calprotectin Measurements to Predict Relapse in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Quantum Blue® fCAL Citation: Ferreiro-Iglesias, R., Barreiro-de Acosta, M., Lorenzo-Gonzalez, A. & Dominguez-Muñoz, J. E. Accuracy of Consecutive Fecal Calprotectin Measurements to Predict Relapse in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Under Maintenance With Anti-TNF Therapy: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. (2016) PMID: remission, whereas concentrations >300 μg/g allow predicting relapse with a high probability at any
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Can mHealth Apps replace clinic visits?

US: IBDoc® is not available for sale in the US. Health Canada License: 98903, Device class: 3 Read a recent article in the Journal of mHealth (Volume 3, Issue 3), McCombie and colleagues performed a systematic review of IBD symptom monitoring smartphone apps. Highlight from this Article In this study, 233 separate apps were found on
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Introducing Patient Home Tests for Calprotectin in a Routine District General Hospital

US: IBDoc® is not available for sale in the US. Health Canada License: 98903, Device class: 3 Read a recent interview with Lead Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nurse, Pearl Avery, conducted by BÜHLMANN's UK distributor Alpha Laboratories: Highlight from this Article “In the six months that we have been working with the IBDoc, one patient was
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Decreases in serum levels of S100A8/9 (calprotectin) correlate with improvements in total swollen joint count in patients with recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis

BÜHLMANN sCAL ELISA: Andrés Cerezo et al.: Decreases in serum levels of S100A8/9 (calprotectin) correlate with improvements in total swollen joint count in patients with recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research and Therapy. 2011; 13(4).  PMID: 21791097  DOI: 10.1186/ar3426 . Read Citation BÜHLMANN sCAL ELISA is for Research Use Only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures in
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BUHLMANN LabSense News Summer 2018 Edition

In this "Summer Edition" we are pleased to announce the FDA 510 (k) clearance of the BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA. We make mention of upcoming meetings where you can find us such as American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) and the Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI) annual meetings. Additionally, we share the exciting happenings pertaining to
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IBDoc – SwissMedtech Award Nominee

US: IBDoc® is not available for sale in the US. Health Canada License: 98903, Device class: 3 BÜHLMANN was nominated to receive the Swiss Medtech Award for 2018 for the IBDoc® calprotectin smartphone-based rapid test    About Swiss MEDTECH Swiss Medtech was established on 12 June 2017 following the merger of two national medtech organizations, FASMED and Medical Cluster.
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First IBD Nurse Led IBDoc Study

US: IBDoc® is not available for sale in the US. Health Canada License: 98903, Device class: 3 Pearl Avery, UK IBD Nurse of the year, shares her first experience using IBDoc® in clinical practice. She explains the study she published at ECCO 2018 in Vienna in this video. Highlight from this Poster   "The BÜHLMANN IBDoc® adds
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Calprotectin Testing Goes Mobile

US: IBDoc® is not available for sale in the US. Health Canada License: 98903, Device class: 3 Read a recent article from Amanda Appleton, the Product Manager for Calprotectin at BÜHLMANN's UK distributor Alpha Laboratories: Highlight from this Article     “App technology has the ability not only to improve the health of patients but
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IBDoc is Now Part of the TactioRPM

image credit: US: IBDoc® is not available for sale in the US. Health Canada License: 98903, Device class: 3 Tactio Health Group and Telia Company team up to accelerate the development of patient-centred digital health programs in Sweden and other Nordic and Baltic countries. The Swedish telecommunication company Telia, together with AbbVie Sweden, developed the
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Join Us at AMLI 2018

We offer a comprehensive autoimmunity product line comprised of robust assays for simple, esoteric testing for important markers and it is supported by numerous publications.  Anti-MAG Autoantibodies ELISA  This assay is intended for the quantitative determination of human IgM-auto-antibodies directed against Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) in serum. Health Canada License: 89118 US: Research Use Only.  Not
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