BUHLMANN LabSense News Archives - Buhlmann Diagnostics Corp

Category: BUHLMANN LabSense News

LabSense News Q2 2024 Edition

In this "Q2 2024 Edition" we introduced CALEX Cap Updates- Extended Stability, Training Video & CALEX Cap 4.0, Poster Corner- BUHLMANN posters from ECCO & AAAAI 2024 and Recent & Upcoming Meetings- DDW & 2024. 
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LabSense News Q1 2021 Edition

In this "Q1 2021 Edition" we introduced the new fCAL turbo and fPELA application notes (eg. Vitros 5600, cobas® 501, AU480, ADVIA® and Atellica, to name a few). We also introduce the transfer of the founding Melatonin assays and highlight some significant publications to evolve food allergy testing and IBD testing with fecal calprotectin and
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LabSense News Q3 2020 Edition

In this “Q3 2020 Edition” we introduce two NEW BUHLMANN Products. The new FDA Exempt, fecal Pancreatic Elastase (fPELA®) turbo assay, as well newly developed Quantum Blue® 3 Reader (QB3).  Also watch the IBDoc® video ‘Want to improve care for IBD patients?’ and lastly watch Dr. Arne Roseth’s AMLI presentation “The latest on IBD Care
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LabSense News Q1 2020 Edition

In this "Q1 2020 Edition"of BUHLMANN's LabSense News, we are proud to introduce Quantum Blue® Anti-Infliximab (RUO) and Anti-Adalimumab (RUO) to the TDM rapid test portfolio. Check out a new video for Flow CAST® basophil activation test (BAT), view recent BÜHLMANN assay citations, and read an interesting white paper for our BÜHLMANN GanglioCombi® MAG ELISA. 
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Labsense News Fall 2019 Edition

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Labsense News Summer 2019 Edition

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LabSense News Spring 2019 Edition

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LabSense News Fall 2018 Edition

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BUHLMANN LabSense News Summer 2018 Edition

In this "Summer Edition" we are pleased to announce the FDA 510 (k) clearance of the BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA. We make mention of upcoming meetings where you can find us such as American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) and the Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI) annual meetings. Additionally, we share the exciting happenings pertaining to
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BUHLMANN – LabSense News Spring 2018 Edition

In this “Summer Edition” we are pleased to share the launch of the of Quantum Blue® Adalimumab assay as well as announce some recent enhancements to the Quantum Blue® Infliximab assay. We also make mention of the upcoming meetings…

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