BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Buhlmann Diagnostics Corp


The prognostic significance of faecal calprotectin in patients with inactive inflammatory bowel disease

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation Zhulina, Y. et al., 2016, The prognostic significance of faecal calprotectin in patients with inactive inflammatory bowel disease, Aliment Pharmacol Ther.  PMID: 27402063 DOI: 10.1111/apt.13731 Highlight from this Publication “Our data suggest that longitudinal monitoring of faecal calprotectin is informative in predicting relapse in IBD.“ Read Citation BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA is FDA 510(k) cleared For in vitro Diagnostic
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BUHLMANN LabSense News Summer 2018 Edition

In this "Summer Edition" we are pleased to announce the FDA 510 (k) clearance of the BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA. We make mention of upcoming meetings where you can find us such as American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) and the Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI) annual meetings. Additionally, we share the exciting happenings pertaining to
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BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG Receives FDA Clearance for its fCAL® ELISA Calprotectin Test

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA, an in vitro diagnostic assay intended for the quantitation of calprotectin in human stool, has received 510(k) clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is now commercially available in the US. Amherst NH, June 12, 2018: BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG, is proud to announce it has received United States Food and
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Exploration of Predictive Biomarkers of Early IFX Response in Acute Severe Colitis: A Prospective Pilot Study

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation:  Beswick, L. et al. Exploration of predictive biomarkers of early IFX response in acute severe colitis: A prospective pilot study.  Journal of Crohn's and Colitis. 2017 Nov 7. DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx146.  PMID:  29121178 . Highlight from this Publication “In ASUC, post-first dose IFX, early assessment of serum/faecal IFX, calprotectin and partial Mayo scores can accurate predict future
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Fecal Calprotectin: A Reliable Predictor of Mucosal Healing after Treatment for Active Ulcerative Colitis

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA: Kristensen, V., A. Roseth, et al.  Fecal Calprotectin: A Reliable Predictor of Mucosal Healing after Treatment for Active Ulcerative Colitis.  Gastroenterology Research and Practice; Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 2098293, 5 pages.  DOI: 10.1155/2017/2098293. Highlights from this Publication “Conclusions. Fecal calprotectin <250 μg/g after medical treatment for active ulcerative colitis is a reliable marker of endoscopic
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Diagnostic Accuracy of Fecal Calprotectin in Assessing the Severity of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From Laboratory to Clinic

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA: S. Moein, D. Quujeq et al. Diagnostic accuracy of fecal calprotectin in assessing the severity of inflammatory bowel disease: From laboratory to clinic. Caspian J Intern Med 2017; 8(3):178-182 DOI: 10.22088/cjim.8.3.178. Highlights from this Publication “ The current study also suggested 78.4 µg/g as the cut-off level for FC by 100% sensitivity and
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Clinical Utility of Fecal Calprotectin Monitoring in Asymptomatic Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Practical Guide

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA: Heidi A, Park KT, Rheenen PF. Clinical Utility of Fecal Calprotectin Monitoring in Asymptomatic Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Practical Guide. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2017 Jun;23(6):894-902. doi: 10.1097/MIB.0000000000001082. PMID: 28511198 Highlights from this Publication “This systematic review shows that the relapsing remitting nature of IBD becomes less unpredictable
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Fecal Calprotectin in Healthy Children Aged 1-4 Years

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation: Zhu, Q,Feng Li, Junli Wang, Lixiao Shen, Xiaoyang Sheng. Fecal Calprotectin in Healthy Children Aged 1-4 Years, PLOS ONE. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0150725.

Highlight from this Publication:

“Children aged from 1 to 4 years old have lower FC concentrations compared with healthy infants (<1years), and higher FC concentrations when comparing with children older than 4 years and adults.”
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Comparison of Three Tests for Faecal Calprotectin in Children and Young Adults: a Retrospective Monocentric Study

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation: Prell, C, Nagel D, Freudenberg H, Schwarzer A, Koletzko S. Comparison of three tests for faecal calprotectin in children and young adults: a retrospective monocentric study, BMJ Open. 2014;4:e004558 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004558.

Highlights from this Publication

“In conclusion, measurement of FC in paediatric patients with unspecific symptoms is very helpful in order to avoid invasive procedure.”
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Are We Exposing Patients with a Mildly Elevated Faecal Calprotectin to Unnecessary Investigations?

BÜHLMANN fCAL®ELISA Citation: Seenan, JP, Thomson, Rankin K, Smith K, Gaya DR. Are we exposing patients with a mildly elevated faecal calprotectin to unnecessary investigations? Gastroenterology. 2014 Frontline Gastroenterol doi:10.1136/flgastro-2014-100467.

Highlight from this Publication:

“...we propose an alternative diagnostic approach of repeating the FC after 6-8 weeks in patients with values of 100-200 µg/g.”
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