Flow CAST® Archives - Buhlmann Diagnostics Corp

Category: Flow CAST®

Flow CAST- Assay Overview Video

Flow CAST®: Research Use Only in the US. Not for diagnostic procedures. Health Canada License:101781 BÜHLMANN Flow CAST® and Basophil Activation (BAT): Basophil Activation Tests (BAT) have been extensively studied as in vitro functional assays and have demonstrated superior accuracy as compared to other blood tests for various allergies (1).  BÜHLMANN  provides a broad range of
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Clinical Applications of the Basophil Activation Test in Food Allergy

Download eBOOK Webinar Recording Webinar Overview Abstract The basophil activation test has emerged as a novel diagnostic test for food allergy. Being a functional test, it has the potential to closely resemble the clinical phenotype of patients following allergen exposure. The basophil activation test can be seen as an in vitro challenge, where instead of
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Webinar: The Application of Data-Driven Approaches to Flow Cytometric Analysis of Basophil Activation Testing

Using Flow CAST® for the Development of a High Throughput, Objective Approach to Basophil Activation Image credit: Sarita U. Patil et al. (full citation below) DOWNLOAD eBOOK Webinar Recording Abstract We have developed and implemented a new data-driven, programmatic approach to the analysis of flow cytometry data from basophil activation testing. While conventional data analysis of flow
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